How To Extend EJSON To Serialize RegEx For Meteor Client-Server Interactions?
Solution 1:
After reviewing this HowTo and the Meteor EJSON Docs, we may serialize RegEx using the EJSON.addType
Extend RegExp - Provide RegExp with the methods EJSON.addType
requires for implementation.
RegExp::options = ->
opts = []
opts.push 'g' if @global
opts.push 'i' if @ignoreCase
opts.push 'm' if @multiline
return opts.join('')
RegExp::clone = ->
self = @
return new RegExp(self.source, self.options())
RegExp::equals = (other) ->
self = @
if other isnt instanceOf RegExp
return false
return EJSON.stringify(self) is EJSON.stringify(other)
RegExp::typeName = ->
return "RegExp"
RegExp::toJSONValue = ->
self = @
return {
'regex': self.source
'options': self.options()
Call EJSON.addType - Do this anywhere. It's best to make it available to client AND server though. This is going to deserialize the object defined in toJSONValue
EJSON.addType "RegExp", (value) ->
return new RegExp(value['regex'], value['options'])
Test In Your Console - Don't take my word for it. See for yourself.
> o = EJSON.stringify(/^Mooo/ig)
> EJSON.parse(o)
And there you have a RegExp being serialized and parsed on client and server, able to be passed in over the wire, saved in a Session, and even possibly stored in a Collection of queries!
EDIT to addess IE10+ Error: Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode Courtesy of @Tim Fletcher in the comments
import { EJSON } from 'meteor/ejson';
function getOptions(self) {
const opts = [];
if ( opts.push('g');
if (self.ignoreCase) opts.push('i');
if (self.multiline) opts.push('m');
return opts.join('');
RegExp.prototype.clone = function clone() {
return new RegExp(this.source, getOptions(this));
RegExp.prototype.equals = function equals(other) {
if (!(other instanceof RegExp)) return false;
return EJSON.stringify(this) === EJSON.stringify(other);
RegExp.prototype.typeName = function typeName() {
return 'RegExp';
RegExp.prototype.toJSONValue = function toJSONValue() {
return { regex: this.source, options: getOptions(this) };
EJSON.addType('RegExp', value => new RegExp(value.regex, value.options));
Solution 2:
There is a far simpler solution:
stringify your RegExp via .toString()
, send it to the server and then parse it back to RegExp.
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