P5js Image Array
I would like to draw a random image to the canvas every time the mouse is clicked. Console: p5.js says: image() was expecting p5.Image|p5.Element for parameter #0 (zero-based ind
Solution 1:
You need a new variable to refer to a randomly selected image from your array of three images.
Add following line to the very top of your code
var randomImageLocation
Change line
img[i] = loadImage('img/img' + i + '.png')
img[i] = 'img/img' + i + '.png' // store the image location in array only
then change line
let img = random('img')
randomImageLocation = img[Math.floor(Math.random() * img.length)];
then in the mouseClicked function use the randomImageLocation variable instead of img
let randomImage = loadImage(randomImageLocation)
image(randomImage,200, 200, 50, 50)
See this this question for more details on selecting a random element from an array Getting a random value from a JavaScript array
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