Morris Graphs Export As PDF?
Solution 1:
I took one of the Morris samples and made a fiddle for you:
I added a simple call to format to PDF the existing div with just the morris chart:
$('#print').click(function () {
function printMe() {
xepOnline.Formatter.Format('line-example',{render:'download', srctype:'svg'});
Run the fiddle and push the PDF button.
Note there are many more parameters available here, you can format much more content than just the morris.js chart, control page sizes, add header/footers and such. This only formats the chart alone (srctype:'svg') to PDF as a vector image (not raster).
Solution 2:
It works. I tried with morris.js v0.5.0 and Raphael 2.1.2.
Add this to where you have your chart(for example your controller):
$scope.pdf = function(chartName){
function printMorris(chartName) {
xepOnline.Formatter.Format(chartName, {render:'download', srctype:'svg'});
xepOnline.jqPlugin.008.js is wrong. To resolve the error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null on xepOnline.jqPlugin.008.js:166", change the code in xepOnline.jqPlugin.008.js.
Add this in line 166. This will skip the length when "rules" is null.
if(rules === null)
Now, the code in function togglePrintMediaStyle in xepOnline.jqPlugin.008.js:
togglePrintMediaStyle: function() {
if($('head style[data-xeponline-formatting]').length > 0) {
$('head style[data-xeponline-formatting]').remove();
var printrules = [];
for(var x=0;x<document.styleSheets.length;x++) {
var rules=document.styleSheets[x].cssRules;
var rule=[];
if(rules === null)
for(var x2=0;x2<rules.length;x2++) {
if(rules[x2].media && rules[x2].media && (rules[x2].media[0] === 'print' ||
rules[x2].media && rules[x2].media.mediaText === 'print')) {
for(var x3=0;x3<rules[x2].cssRules.length; x3++) {
} else if (rules[x2][0] &&
rules[x2][0] === 'print' ||
(rules[x2] &&
rules[x2] === 'print')) {
for(var x2=0;x2<rule.length;x2++) {
// write print media styles to head
var html = '\n<style type="text/css" data-xeponline-formatting="true">\n';
for(var x=0; x<printrules.length; x++) {
html+='.xeponline-container ' + printrules[x] + '\n';
html += '</style>\n';
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