How To Hide A Row Of A Table Which Does Not Contains A Specific Icon
Solution 1:
Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't seem to have provided HTML you want to act upon but just a screenshot and a link to some RoR code in the comments that generates the HTML. Also you don't show how you try to execute SveCrf.prototype.hideRowWhereNoTicksForm
, and furthermore I'm not really sure at all what you are trying to do with switch/case
(I also don't understand what item
is supposed to be; this is where providing us with actual HTML might have helped).
In addition, as I've alluded to in some comments of mine, you are really trying to do two things. I don't know if you've seen this Stackoverflow page yet about creating "a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example" but I think reviewing that will help improve your StackOverflow experience moving forward (and also for me it validated my suggestion of "divide and conquer").
All of which I think made it hard for you to get the help you desired. In any case below I'm providing some sample HTML with a table containing four rows total, two with a cell that contains the class foo
, and two that don't. Beneath that is my non-jQuery code selecting the rows with no cells containing the class foo
, and then hiding them; furthermore there is a demo of the same functionality using jQuery at
<table border="1">
<tr><td class='foo'>foo</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td class="foo">foo</td><td>bar</td><td>baz</td></tr>
We cannot call `filter` directly on an HTMLCollection such as returned by
"document.getElementsByTagName('tr')" as it is not a bona fide array, so we use
"[]", and we return only those rows that *fail* the test
"row.querySelector('')", then we loop over these with `forEach` and hide them
[]'tr'), function(row) {
return !row.querySelector('');
}).forEach(function(row) { = 'none'});
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