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Get Content Width Of An Element

offsetWidth isn't good enough for me right now, as this includes padding and border width. I want to find out the content width of the element. Is there a property for that, or do

Solution 1:

Since this comes up first when googling but doesn't have an appropriate answer yet, here's one:

function getContentWidth (element) {
  var styles = getComputedStyle(element)

  return element.clientWidth
    - parseFloat(styles.paddingLeft)
    - parseFloat(styles.paddingRight)

Basically, we first get the element's width including the padding (clientWidth) and then substract the padding left and right. We need to parseFloat the paddings because they come as px-suffixed strings.

I've created a little playground for this on CodePen, check it out!

Solution 2:

I would suggest either scrollWidth or the clientWidth depending on whether you want to account for the scrollbar.

Check out Determining the dimensions of elements or the specification itself.

Solution 3:

It sounds to me like you want to use getComputedStyle on the element. You can see an example of getComputedStyle vs. offsetWidth here:



Solution 4:

I have the similar issue where my parent element isn't the window or document... I am loading an image by Javascript and want it to center after loading.

var parent = document.getElementById('yourparentid');
var image = document.getElementById('yourimageid');
image.addEventListener('load'),function() {

Whenever you set the src then it will scroll to the center of the image. This for me is in the context of zooming into a high res version of the image.

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