React UseEffect Hook With Warning React-hooks/exhaustive-deps
I am converting code that used componentDidMount/Update/Unmount lifecycle to React Hooks and keep coming up against react-hooks/exhaustive-deps in the console as a warning. Our new
Solution 1:
Here you use container in your useEffect, however since you are also setting container state in this effect you cannot put it as a dependency or else you will get an infinite loop (the effect will run every time setContainer is called).
I think this may be an acceptable time to use // eslint-disable-line
useEffect(() => {
if (container) {
const newContainer = createContainer(zIndex);
getPortalParent().replaceWith(container, newContainer);
// eslint-disable-line
}, [zIndex]);
There may be other examples but you can figure out which useEffects require what dependancies.
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