Formatting Javascript String To Have 03 Not 3?
I have a Javascript that opens today file in html. function openToday() { var today = new Date(); var strYear = today.getFullYear(); var strMonth = today.getMonth();
Solution 1:
Check to see if the month is only 1 character long (or alternatively, < 9). Then prepend the 0!
By length
var strMonth = today.getMonth();
if(strMonth .length == 1){
strMonth = "0" + strMonth ;
By number
var strMonth = today.getMonth();
if(strMonth< 10){
strMonth= "0" + strMonth;
Probably want to avoid prefixing the variable with str
as Javascript doesn't explicitly define types, and can confuse the code. For example, saying if strMonth < 10
is fine logic wise, but maintainance wise it's confusing to manage.
Another Way!
var strMonth = "0" + today.getMonth();
strMonth = strMonth.substring(strMonth.length-2, 2);
Solution 2:
You could create a general-purpose padding function:
function pad(number, length) {
var str = '' + number;
while (str.length < length) {
str = '0' + str;
pad(today.getDay(), 2); // If today was '3', would print'03'
Solution 3:
I made a function for that some time ago.
var strURL = "file:/time/"+strYear+"/"+convertDateToString(date.getMonth()+1)+"/" + strYear+"_"+convertDateToString(date.getMonth()+1)+"_"+strDay+ "/" + strYear+"_"+strMonth+"_"+strDay+".html";
The function:
Method: convertDateToString
Input: Integer
Returns: a string from a number and adds a 0 when the number is smaller than 10
Examples: 1 => 01, 8 => 08, 11 => 11
return (number < 10 ) ? 0+number.toString() : number.toString();
Good luck!
Solution 4:
var strMonth = today.getMonth();
if(strMonth.length == 1){
strMonth = '0' + strMonth;
Solution 5:
Perhaps you may extend it to allow for padding strings like this:
function pad(number, length, padWith) {
padWith = (typeof padWith!=='undefined) ? padWith : '0';
var str = '' + number;
while (str.length < length) {
str = padWith + str;
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