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Document.body.innerhtml Killing Events Need Alternate Solution

Im using the following code to scan the page for matching words and convert the words into a link. var linkWord = function(obj){ for(i in obj){ var x = document.body.innerH

Solution 1:

This was a lot of research and work.. but it was worth the result. I think I'll publish it as jquery plugin

functionwordToLinks(words) {
   functiongetAllTextNodes(ele) {
    var blackListedElements = ["a", "address", "area", "audio", "base", "br", "button", "canvas", "code", "data", "datalist", "embed", "fieldset", "form", "head", "hr", "html", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "keygen", "label", "link", "map", "math", "menu", "menuitem", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noscript", "object", "optgroup", "option", "output", "param", "pre", "progress", "rtc", "ruby", "samp", "script", "select", "source", "style", "svg", "textarea", "time", "title", "track", "var", "video", "wbr", "applet", "basefont", "dir", "font", "isindex", "noframes"];

    var nodes = [];

    (functionrecrusive(element) {
        var all_nodes = element.childNodes,
            l = all_nodes.length,

        for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            child = all_nodes[i];
            if (child.nodeType == 3) {
            } elseif (child.nodeType == 1 && blackListedElements.indexOf((child.tagName).toLowerCase()) < 0) {

    return nodes.filter(function (e) {
        return (/\w/).test(e.textContent);

functioncreateAtag(str, url) {
    var tag = document.createElement('a');
    tag.innerText = str;
    tag.href = url; = 'inline';
    return tag;

functiongetIndex(node, word) {
    //return node.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(word.toLowerCase());var reg = RegExp("\\b(" + word + ")\\b(?![^<]*>|[^<>]*<\/[a])","ig");
    var result = reg.exec(node.nodeValue);
    var index = (result != undefined) ? result.index : -1;
    return index;

var all_nodes = getAllTextNodes(document.body);
var w = Object.keys(words);

all_nodes.forEach(function (node) {
    w.forEach(function (word) {
        var c_node = node,
            reg = newRegExp(word, 'i'),
            tag, i;

        i = getIndex(c_node, word);

        while (i > -1) {
            var second = c_node.splitText(i);
            c_node = second.splitText(word.length);
            tag = createAtag(second.nodeValue, words[word])
            second.parentElement.replaceChild(tag, second);
            i = getIndex(c_node, word);


var words = {
    'the': '',
        'Vokalia': '',
        'behind': '',


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