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Showing posts from September, 2023

Titanium Saving The State Of The Last Window Viewed

How would i go about saving the state of the last viewed window of my application? I have been tryi… Read more Titanium Saving The State Of The Last Window Viewed

Js Associative Object With Duplicate Names

ok, so I have an object like: var myobject = { 'field_1': 'lorem ipsum', '… Read more Js Associative Object With Duplicate Names

How To Make A Svg Element (e.g. Rectangle) Scrollintoview?

I have a svg in graph panel. All nodes in the svg are listed in another panel. I hope that by click… Read more How To Make A Svg Element (e.g. Rectangle) Scrollintoview?

What Does (state = {}) => State Means

I was building an App in react where I found a line in one of the boiler plate projects. (state = {… Read more What Does (state = {}) => State Means

How To Convert Nested Object Into Array Of Array

Hi i have a situation where i want to convert array of object into array of array here is my target… Read more How To Convert Nested Object Into Array Of Array

Inline Javascript Stoped Adding Class To Element

Hey I have an inline javascript code that adds a class to an element and makes it slide up in the s… Read more Inline Javascript Stoped Adding Class To Element

Use Javascript To Draw A Single Dom Element In Two Places

I'm using jQueryUI to create a large table of sortable cards, each of which is composed of a la… Read more Use Javascript To Draw A Single Dom Element In Two Places

Javascript / Jquery Faster Alternative To $.inarray When Pattern Matching Strings

I've got a large array of words in Javascript (~100,000), and I'd like to be able to quickl… Read more Javascript / Jquery Faster Alternative To $.inarray When Pattern Matching Strings

Is It Possible To Give A Variable A Default Value

Is it possible to give variables a default value if theyre not defined onload? I have variables in … Read more Is It Possible To Give A Variable A Default Value

Google Maps V3 Javascript: Geojson Overlays City And Country Names

I´m adding some geojson data (polygon features) to a Google Map. Is it possible to add the geojson … Read more Google Maps V3 Javascript: Geojson Overlays City And Country Names

Setbackgroundrgb Not Accepting String

The class setBackgroundRGB() works if I pass it a literal setBackgroundRGB(255,255,255); but if … Read more Setbackgroundrgb Not Accepting String

How To Read Off 1 Flag Bit And Get Integer At Same Time

Say I have an 8-bit number with a flag at either side: 0101011 (decimal 43) 0101011 (decimal 43) … Read more How To Read Off 1 Flag Bit And Get Integer At Same Time

Creating And Structuring The Index Page

I have a test website is has the two menu items 'Home' and 'About… Read more Creating And Structuring The Index Page

Can Local Javascript Edit/save Files On Same Local Machine? How Using Jquery?

I'm building a little locally run CSS driven site map for auditing a huge intranet site. I'… Read more Can Local Javascript Edit/save Files On Same Local Machine? How Using Jquery?

Angular Await Service Between Components, Behavior Subject

I have an issue in my Angular web store when i refresh the window, i create a service that takes th… Read more Angular Await Service Between Components, Behavior Subject

Passing Props Down In Svelte

I'm trying to implement a fairly standard blog app using Svelte, Svelte Routing and Firestore, … Read more Passing Props Down In Svelte

Javascript Falsy Values (null, Undefined, False, Empty String: "" Or '' And 0) And Comparison(==) Operator

When I am using any one of values(null, undefined, false, '', 0) in a if statement, it is a… Read more Javascript Falsy Values (null, Undefined, False, Empty String: "" Or '' And 0) And Comparison(==) Operator

How To Trigger Row Editor On A P:treetable Using Javascript

I have an editable p:treeTable: ... Solution 1: Apparently you don't need to select… Read more How To Trigger Row Editor On A P:treetable Using Javascript

Angular 2.0 Equivalent To $scope.$apply

I am trying to get started with angular 2.0, now I was wondering how I can initiate an update to th… Read more Angular 2.0 Equivalent To $scope.$apply

How To Make The Table Content Wil Shown Automaticly In Pop Up Form

i try to make a table in my web. Table content have value that i use for parameter in the next acti… Read more How To Make The Table Content Wil Shown Automaticly In Pop Up Form

Regex Replace Enters Between Quotes

How do i replace all enters between two quotes in a text file. The first quote is always preceded b… Read more Regex Replace Enters Between Quotes

How To Send Messages To Different Windows In Electron?

I'm writing my first electron app, so please be lenient :) When the user presses a button on th… Read more How To Send Messages To Different Windows In Electron?

How To Change Vue-cli's Delimiters?

I installed vue-cli (webpack-simple) src/main.js: import Vue from 'vue' import App from … Read more How To Change Vue-cli's Delimiters?

Fire The Div Mousemove While On Document

Im having a slider that increases width when click-hold and moved. But as soon as im getting my mo… Read more Fire The Div Mousemove While On Document

Why Does The Following Throw An "object Doesn't Support Property Or Method 'importnode'" In Ie11?

Why does the following throw an 'Object doesn't support property or method 'importNode&… Read more Why Does The Following Throw An "object Doesn't Support Property Or Method 'importnode'" In Ie11?

Text From One Textarea Should Get Copy To Another Textarea And Original Textarea Should Be Cleared On A Button Click Using Javascript

i have done with following code it displays two textarea where the text from one textarea gets copi… Read more Text From One Textarea Should Get Copy To Another Textarea And Original Textarea Should Be Cleared On A Button Click Using Javascript

Removing The Links From Reddit Comments

I am reading the comments from under reddit posts. Some of the comments have links, that I would li… Read more Removing The Links From Reddit Comments

Angular Ng-repeat Dynamic

See this plunker In jQuery I can get the text of its td and put it in an alert but how can I make i… Read more Angular Ng-repeat Dynamic

Build A Docker Volume Based Of An Image

Im trying to build a docker volume directly from a JS image through a bash command. The difficulty… Read more Build A Docker Volume Based Of An Image

Javascript Event Loop: Queue Vs Message Queue Vs Event Queue

Reading through a lot of JavaScript Event Loop tutorials, I see different terms to identify the que… Read more Javascript Event Loop: Queue Vs Message Queue Vs Event Queue

How To Encode Url In Javascript And Decode It In C#

I have a url with querystrings through which some data are passed. I want to retrieve the data in t… Read more How To Encode Url In Javascript And Decode It In C#

How To Know If The User Change Zoom (google Maps V3)

I'm developing an app with Google Maps and Angularjs. I have this code to control whether the z… Read more How To Know If The User Change Zoom (google Maps V3)

Why Is Winjs Included Automatically When Targeting Windows 8 In Cordova?

We're developing an app using AngularJS, and when we're targeting Windows 8 I noticed that … Read more Why Is Winjs Included Automatically When Targeting Windows 8 In Cordova?

Would Like To Understand The Animate Function (calculation And Stepping)

I would like to know how does the jQuery .animate() function work? - calculation and stepping (how … Read more Would Like To Understand The Animate Function (calculation And Stepping)

Removing The Jquery/zepto Dependency On Backbone.router And Views

Is there a forked/maintained version of backbone that completely eliminates the need for jquery or … Read more Removing The Jquery/zepto Dependency On Backbone.router And Views

How To Retrieve Multiple Keys In Firebase?

Considering this data structure: { 'users':{ 'user-1':{ … Read more How To Retrieve Multiple Keys In Firebase?

In Javascript/coffeescript How Can I Mock Out A Module's Public Variable In A Test?

I just learned about the module pattern. I've written some code that's gotten sufficiently… Read more In Javascript/coffeescript How Can I Mock Out A Module's Public Variable In A Test?

How To Show Window Title Using

I want to open a new window using:' .pdf','my window','resizable,s… Read more How To Show Window Title Using

Javascript - Detect Print (not Print Preview) Event

I have a custom print preview page that shows up when a user wants to print a page. After this page… Read more Javascript - Detect Print (not Print Preview) Event

Add Microdata Using Javascript

I have a rating system based on Javascript and php. On each page is displays the result 'X vote… Read more Add Microdata Using Javascript

Corrupted Download In Angularjs App

I am trying to download a file using FileSaver.js, but I get a corrupted file whenever I hit downlo… Read more Corrupted Download In Angularjs App

Open A Div On The Page In A New Window While Maintaining The Ability To Update It Via Websockets

I am trying to have a section of the page (where i have notifications) open in a new window (new br… Read more Open A Div On The Page In A New Window While Maintaining The Ability To Update It Via Websockets

Rxjs: Recursive Http Calls Based On Condition

I retrieve a list using the following command by giving a fixed number of record. In the folowing e… Read more Rxjs: Recursive Http Calls Based On Condition

Javascript: Add Method To Array.prototype Object To Exclude Index Values From An Input Array

I want to write code that adds the doNotInclude method to the Array.prototype object. The purpose … Read more Javascript: Add Method To Array.prototype Object To Exclude Index Values From An Input Array

I Receive An "firebasesimplelogin: An Unknown Error Occurred" In Firebase When I Try To Log In With Twitter

Yesterday, I discovered Firebase and started to use it. I deployed an edited version (I just change… Read more I Receive An "firebasesimplelogin: An Unknown Error Occurred" In Firebase When I Try To Log In With Twitter

Slowly Change One Angle To Another

Skip to JSFiddle I'm creating one of these fun scripts that interact with mouse. I decided I wa… Read more Slowly Change One Angle To Another

Electron App Runs Without Any Errors However The Window Does Not Open Or Show In Task Manager

I am building an electron app. The app runs without any errors but does not open. I am running wind… Read more Electron App Runs Without Any Errors However The Window Does Not Open Or Show In Task Manager

Value In Ng-model Doesn't Update

I'm using this and from what I can understand ng-model='not Solution 1: Think of ng-mod… Read more Value In Ng-model Doesn't Update

How To Give Specific Range To Datetime Input Type?

Working on Phonegap application, it requires to provide specific date range (for example, User shou… Read more How To Give Specific Range To Datetime Input Type?

'pulsing' A Border In Javascript/jquery

I am in the process of applying validation on a web form -one of the things I would like to do is … Read more 'pulsing' A Border In Javascript/jquery

Render Dynamic Html In React Js

I want to render a dynamic html text provide by a API in react js but I don't know how to do. f… Read more Render Dynamic Html In React Js

Setstyleclass Method Is Overriding The Already Defined Styleclass

I have a jsf code like this: I am adding the style emailAddress to use it in jquery for rest Solu… Read more Setstyleclass Method Is Overriding The Already Defined Styleclass

How To Load Extra Javascript In Datatable Server Side Processing?

I am using 1.10, with server processing. It is all good and working fine, but I can&#… Read more How To Load Extra Javascript In Datatable Server Side Processing?

Posting/submitting Multiple Forms In Jquery

I have two forms on a page (one is being grabbed by AJAX). I need them both to be posted, so I ser… Read more Posting/submitting Multiple Forms In Jquery

How Can I Create An Empty Html Anchor So The Page Doesn't "jump Up" When I Click It?

I'm working on some JQuery to hide/show some content when I click a link. I can create somethin… Read more How Can I Create An Empty Html Anchor So The Page Doesn't "jump Up" When I Click It?

How To Remove D3 Link Text From Visualization

When nodes within my force directed visualization are clicked any child nodes (and their associated… Read more How To Remove D3 Link Text From Visualization

What Are Some Good Techniques At Debugging Javascript?

So I use JavaScript fairly regularly and I was wondering if there were any good tips or tricks in d… Read more What Are Some Good Techniques At Debugging Javascript?

How I Change Jquery Datatables Default Row Count Shown

Datatables has 4 sizes of records to show: 10,25,50,100. I just want table show 15 records as defau… Read more How I Change Jquery Datatables Default Row Count Shown

Dynamically Created Selectinputs Not Recognized In Server

I created a simple project where I generate select inputs from a list in one module (selector) whic… Read more Dynamically Created Selectinputs Not Recognized In Server

How Do I Access The Contents In This Json?

{'EN':[{'EN':'please enter a valid number :'},{'EN':'Please ent… Read more How Do I Access The Contents In This Json?

Spliting A String In Javascript

I am trying to extract an article ID from the following href: /MarketUpdate/Pricing/9352730 I just… Read more Spliting A String In Javascript

How To Save Image From Canvas With Css Filters

I need to save an image after using CSS filters on the client-side (without using a backend). What … Read more How To Save Image From Canvas With Css Filters

Blazor - Cascading Dropdown Menu On Inputselect Not Loading

I'm trying to load the below table, however, the drop-down menu for the school is not loading. … Read more Blazor - Cascading Dropdown Menu On Inputselect Not Loading

Detect When A User Unfocuses On An Input Box Using Jquery?

Is it possible to detect when the user unfocuses an input box using jquery? I.e when they click off… Read more Detect When A User Unfocuses On An Input Box Using Jquery?

How To Make The Last Part Of This Regex Optional?

I am looping through all the links on a page and matching their href values against the following p… Read more How To Make The Last Part Of This Regex Optional?

Addeventlistener("input", Callback) Doesn't Work In Opera?

I'm trying to listen to 'oninput' event, but something is wrong with Opera: document.g… Read more Addeventlistener("input", Callback) Doesn't Work In Opera?

Pie Chart Custom Legend

I am using highcharts to build a Pie chart, I am hiding the default legend that comes with highchar… Read more Pie Chart Custom Legend

Chart.js Yaxes Ticks Stepsize Not Working (fiddle)

I have created a line chart with these options for the yAxis: yAxes: [{ ticks: { precis… Read more Chart.js Yaxes Ticks Stepsize Not Working (fiddle)

Why Javascript Can't Get The Style Value But Can Change It?

I need to pass the tag data to the function and read it in that function , I tried to pass the tag … Read more Why Javascript Can't Get The Style Value But Can Change It?

Uncaught Typeerror: Object # Has No Method 'getposition'

I'm trying to display the visible markers in a map and can 't get this code to work. In the… Read more Uncaught Typeerror: Object # Has No Method 'getposition'