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Showing posts from October, 2023

I Have No Idea Object(this) Means

In there i… Read more I Have No Idea Object(this) Means

Javascript Regexp For Exact Multiple Words With Special Characters Match

I'm using RegExp for multiple words match. It has dynamic values so when a special character li… Read more Javascript Regexp For Exact Multiple Words With Special Characters Match

Observable Create Is Called Twice

I am using Ionic3 with a rxjs/Observable. I have the following function, and for some reason, even … Read more Observable Create Is Called Twice

Is There Any Way To Disable Media Queries Under Certain Conditions?

I am using the same stylesheet for the main site as well as a 'preview' of the site (NOT in… Read more Is There Any Way To Disable Media Queries Under Certain Conditions?

Use Setinterval In React

I'm trying to use setInterval in React but stuck on something I don't properly understand. … Read more Use Setinterval In React

Initial Data For D3 Tree Are Not Properly Visualize

I managed to use d3 to make a bottom up family tree, the adding, deletion works fine as it is, but … Read more Initial Data For D3 Tree Are Not Properly Visualize

Call Multiple Ajax Request In Series Or Parallel

I have 3 functions. load_graphs('national','','container-natl-rates','c… Read more Call Multiple Ajax Request In Series Or Parallel

Creating A Webservice That Accepts A File (stream) Doesnt Want Other Params

I have a File i want to upload to a Webservice, but it needs additional params, so I create some hi… Read more Creating A Webservice That Accepts A File (stream) Doesnt Want Other Params

Can The Client Emit Events Locally?

Is it possible to use to dispatch events to the client and not send them to the server? S… Read more Can The Client Emit Events Locally?

Javascript Function To Convert Decimal Years Value Into Years, Months And Days

I need a function to transform decimal values of years in years, months and days. Ex: 1.5 years = 1… Read more Javascript Function To Convert Decimal Years Value Into Years, Months And Days

Event.preventdefault() Works On Chrome, Firefox, But Not Safari

This HTML / JS code : Read more Event.preventdefault() Works On Chrome, Firefox, But Not Safari

Change Text Color Of A Part Of Paragraph In Js

I have a JS function to going through a paragraph element. And I have a dictionary. I need to check… Read more Change Text Color Of A Part Of Paragraph In Js

Call Wicket 6 Code From Javascript And Return Value

I have managed to call my Wicket 6 Java code from Javascript using option A in this example: https:… Read more Call Wicket 6 Code From Javascript And Return Value

Angular.js - Controller Function To Filter Invalid Chars From Input Does Not Delete Chars Until A Valid Char Is Entered

I have created a JSFiddle of the issue I am experiencing here: I have … Read more Angular.js - Controller Function To Filter Invalid Chars From Input Does Not Delete Chars Until A Valid Char Is Entered

Javascript-like || In Php

In javascript, I can use, for example such statement: = || []; If there'… Read more Javascript-like || In Php

Calling Variables At Global Scope And Comparing It In Google Apps Script

Thanks to the help of Serge insas, I've been creating a form with google apps script. It was wo… Read more Calling Variables At Global Scope And Comparing It In Google Apps Script

Test If Input Values Match Constant Value

Ive got an assignment and am a bit stuck. Need to match an input string to the values in a constant… Read more Test If Input Values Match Constant Value

Ie <= 8 .splice() Not Working

I have some simple code you can see in my fiddle. It alerts properly in all browsers and IE9, but n… Read more Ie <= 8 .splice() Not Working

Random Animation Changing Gifs

This post concerns with my previous post: GIFs changing randomly I have 3 different animations next… Read more Random Animation Changing Gifs

How To Allow Content Security Policy To Run External Javascript From Google Api?

This is my current script-src content security policy for my app: script-src 'self' 'un… Read more How To Allow Content Security Policy To Run External Javascript From Google Api?

Angular 6 And Ionic 3 Reactive Form Validation Error Not Display

I am working on a project which uses the latest version of Angular and Ionic. I am working on a reg… Read more Angular 6 And Ionic 3 Reactive Form Validation Error Not Display

Javascript's Shift Right With Zero-fill Operator (>>>) Yielding Unexpected Result

First, (-1 >>> 0) === (2**32 - 1) which I expect is due to adding a new zero to the left, … Read more Javascript's Shift Right With Zero-fill Operator (>>>) Yielding Unexpected Result

List Events On Defined Area Using Google Maps

I have Google Map with defined a lot of events etc. How I can list all events eg. in 50km around my… Read more List Events On Defined Area Using Google Maps

Get Url Query String Parameters When There Are Multiple Parameters With The Same Name Using Jquery Or Js

I have a URL that is comprised of multiple filters that are named and have corresponding search cri… Read more Get Url Query String Parameters When There Are Multiple Parameters With The Same Name Using Jquery Or Js

Override Referrer Google Analytics With Js Or Jq

I am trying to override the referrer of Google Analytics without touching the main Google analytics… Read more Override Referrer Google Analytics With Js Or Jq

Google Maps - Markers From Database Displaying Information From The Last Row Only

I have a map set up with Google maps v3 where markers are saved to a DB. A new markers info window … Read more Google Maps - Markers From Database Displaying Information From The Last Row Only

Why Is Chrome Showing A Value As Being Removed From An Array Before It Has Been?

Possible Duplicate: Is Chrome's JavaScript console lazy about evaluating arrays? Chrome's… Read more Why Is Chrome Showing A Value As Being Removed From An Array Before It Has Been?

Populating Many Checkboxes In Tree Structure Inside Dropdown

Guys Here is the checkboxes, where it displays in tree structure. I need it to be displayed inside… Read more Populating Many Checkboxes In Tree Structure Inside Dropdown

Javascript Banner Link Open In New Window

I have a page with a JavaScript code: please view source cod… Read more Javascript Banner Link Open In New Window

Iterate Over Array Of Objects And Change One Property In Each Object

I find myself presented with this pattern quite a bit. I have an array of objects that I get back f… Read more Iterate Over Array Of Objects And Change One Property In Each Object

Ajax: How To Change A Value On Client Side As Well As Server Side On Button Click?

In the following SSCCE, I have a string which contains the HTML for three divs. I add a style='… Read more Ajax: How To Change A Value On Client Side As Well As Server Side On Button Click?

Jquery Within A Javascript For Loop Not Working

I've trying to run jQuery inside a for loop like this: var frameNumber = 15; // How many frames… Read more Jquery Within A Javascript For Loop Not Working

Expected Condition Failed: Waiting For Element To Be Clickable For Element Containing Style="display: None;"

I tried to input values in spin button (Textbox with increment and decrement arrows). Below code th… Read more Expected Condition Failed: Waiting For Element To Be Clickable For Element Containing Style="display: None;"

On Sliding The Details Of Particular Position Should Store In Local Storage?

I am replicating this webpage and I wrote the code On every… Read more On Sliding The Details Of Particular Position Should Store In Local Storage?

Find Special Markers In Sequence And Do Something To The Text In Between

I wanna do something that would work much like this shortcode in stackexchange. So basically I want… Read more Find Special Markers In Sequence And Do Something To The Text In Between

Listen To Javascript Events From Dart

Is there a way in Dart to listen for events from javascript libraries? For example the jqrangeslide… Read more Listen To Javascript Events From Dart

Passing Input From To Parent Page

I have created a frameset, in which one of its frames open a pop-up using . In that win… Read more Passing Input From To Parent Page

How To Attach Different Events On Multiple Selectors Through .on Function In Jquery?

I have two elements as following on my page: And in my Javascript code I have th Solution 1: If … Read more How To Attach Different Events On Multiple Selectors Through .on Function In Jquery?

How To Make A File Upload Field Empty In Struts2 Using Javascript?

I have a file upload field,that is, . And I have a button 'clear'. On clicking this button,… Read more How To Make A File Upload Field Empty In Struts2 Using Javascript?

Html5 - Loading Video Only Once But Use It In Two Different Tags

In a website there are 2 video tags with different id's. One is a preview monitor in a modal di… Read more Html5 - Loading Video Only Once But Use It In Two Different Tags

How Can Check If Server And Port Is Available In Nodejs ?

I have project with is written with Nodejs. I need to know how to check if an IP with Port is worki… Read more How Can Check If Server And Port Is Available In Nodejs ?

Javascript String Match Specific Regex

I want to match specific string from this variable. var string = '150-50-30-20=50+skip50-20-10-… Read more Javascript String Match Specific Regex

Large Table With Lots Of Events, Is Using Event Bubbling More Effecient?

I have a large table/grid that has events on each row, table headers, etc. Instead of me generating… Read more Large Table With Lots Of Events, Is Using Event Bubbling More Effecient?

Div Adding Redirect And Background Image From Code Behind In

I have a div in an master page with runat=server. What I want to do is from codebehind when… Read more Div Adding Redirect And Background Image From Code Behind In

Prevent Xul Notificationbox From Closing When Button Is Hit

I have a problem concerning the notificationBox. I create a notification using appendNotification( … Read more Prevent Xul Notificationbox From Closing When Button Is Hit

Nuxtjs Set Cookie In Middleware

I'm building a nuxtjs app and try to set a cookie from a global middleware. I found this contri… Read more Nuxtjs Set Cookie In Middleware

Javascript Benchmarks In Testing Different Emulations Of A "class"

i have read articles that say: using the prototype will be fastest since functions declared are sh… Read more Javascript Benchmarks In Testing Different Emulations Of A "class"

Angular 2+ Http Post And Gdrive Api. Resumable File Upload With Name

I am trying to upload files to Google Drive in Angular 2. So far I am able to upload files, but wit… Read more Angular 2+ Http Post And Gdrive Api. Resumable File Upload With Name

Crm 2011 : Refresh Associated Grid View

Is there a way to refresh associated Grid View ? I have a Sales Order View on the Account Form, on… Read more Crm 2011 : Refresh Associated Grid View

Return Spreaded Array In Arrow Function

Let's assume i have this type of array: [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ] What i need to do is to get nested e… Read more Return Spreaded Array In Arrow Function

How To Get Hard Disk Serial Number With Php On Localhost

is there a way i can get hard disk serial number or machine serial number with php or javascript on… Read more How To Get Hard Disk Serial Number With Php On Localhost

What Is It That Stops Processings Libraries From Being Used To Processing.js

For those that don't know, processing is a language/ Java library primarily used for displaying… Read more What Is It That Stops Processings Libraries From Being Used To Processing.js

On Click Of An ''a'' Element, Fire It's Hover Handler Instead Of Going To The Link

I am working with a CMS that doesn't allow me much to do in terms of editing their code. I hav… Read more On Click Of An ''a'' Element, Fire It's Hover Handler Instead Of Going To The Link

Unable To Fill The Other Fields On The Basis Of Option Selected

I want to fill the other fields on the form from database on the basis of option selected, but unab… Read more Unable To Fill The Other Fields On The Basis Of Option Selected

Jquery Datatables Reload Interval Error

I'm trying to get my table to load on intervals. I am now receiving the below error: TypeError:… Read more Jquery Datatables Reload Interval Error

Javascript: Instantiating New Object From It's Own Recursion

I'd like to be able to create a function that returns a grid of parameter defined size and inse… Read more Javascript: Instantiating New Object From It's Own Recursion

Get Jquery Dialog Working When Loading Content With Ajax

I have the following jquery code: $('.editDialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, show: … Read more Get Jquery Dialog Working When Loading Content With Ajax

Truncating Canvas Labels In Chartjs While Keeping The Full Label Value In The Tooltips

I have some bar charts that have really long labels and they affect the size of the charts. Example… Read more Truncating Canvas Labels In Chartjs While Keeping The Full Label Value In The Tooltips

Print Window Not Working 1st Time

I am trying to save a PDF using print option, but for some reason the 1st time it doesn't work,… Read more Print Window Not Working 1st Time