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How To Bind Javascript Function With Onclientclick Event With Eval?

my link button - ')' /> and the javascrip

Solution 1:

You can build the entire contents of OnClientClick as a string within the code brackets and it will output like you're expecting.

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lbtnEdit" Text="edit" 
    OnClientClick='<%# "msgDisp(" + Eval("LocationId") + ");" %>' /> 

This is assuming LocationId is a valid number- there are no quote marks to wrap your value when it renders, so outputting something like msgDisp(hello); is going to break. I don't know how to address that in this manner, so if you have to do that I would recommend setting OnClientClick server side during the ItemDataBound event. Here's what it would like where the parent is a Repeater control.

protectedvoidnotesRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
    MyClass item = (MyClass)e.Item.DataItem;
    LinkButton lbtnEdit = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbtnEdit");
    lbtnEdit.OnClientClick = string.Format("msgDisp('{0}');", item.LocationId);

Solution 2:

If you are getting your binding expression tags (<%# ... %>) rendered in the markup, it means your LinkButton is not initialized in a binding container. A binding container can be, as @lincolnk demonstrated, an Repeater or GridView item, a Calendar cell, etc. Also, you do not have to prefix your function call with "javascript:". The value of the OnClientClick property is rendered as the handler of the anchor's onclick event.

Solution 3:

Looked everywhere on the net. Everyone says use CodeBehind. See my solution, which works even when my datavalue has a single quote in it like O'Neal. This will not work if your data item contains doublequotes. But works for what I needed it to do which was pass in a person's name. Note the backslashes inside the alert call.

OnClientClick="<%#string.Format(&quot;alert(\&quot;{0}\&quot;); return false; &quot;, Eval(&quot;NAME&quot;))%>"**

Solution 4:

You can do like OnClick='<%# "msgDisp(" + Eval("LocationId") + ");" %>'

Solution 5:

I want to thank lincolnk for his answer. I'm currently helping to build a new social network for I have been searching for a few days for a solution to view a user's profile, in a datalist, in a jquery modal dialog popup. Setting the linkbutton OnClientClick in the ItemDataBound event solved the problem of passing the user id to the JQuery function to open a acsx user control in the popup window.

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        var mydiv = jQuery("#mydialog").dialog({
            autoOpen: false,
            resizable: false,
            modal: true,
            width: '500',
            height: '400'
        }).css("font-size", "0.8em");

    functionShowPopup(uid) {
        var mydiv = jQuery("#mydialog")
        //alert(uid)// Load the content using AJAX
        mydiv.load('Profile.aspx?id=' + uid);
        // Open the dialog        


ProtectedSub DataList1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As DataListItemEventArgs)
    If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem ThenDim imageControl = TryCast(e.Item.FindControl("Image1"), Image)
        Dim Uid AsString = imageControl.ImageUrl

        Dim ProfileBtn As LinkButton = TryCast(e.Item.FindControl("ProfileButton"), LinkButton)
        ProfileBtn.OnClientClick = String.Format("ShowPopup('{0}');return false;", Uid)


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