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How To Use Jqxhr With Jquery

I have a GET request successfully finishing with JQuery. In the success parameter, I have a function with the three parameters, like it shows on the JQuery examples. The textStatus

Solution 1:

I found out that it's returning null because even if the spreadsheet is completely visible and published to the web you still need an access token to read or submit data, via AJAX requests.

You can read using a published sheet by accessing it as JSON by appending "?alt=json-in-script" at the end of the URL. Note that you can't access specific rows and columns only (it gives the whole sheet and also doesn't return the headers as a row, it uses the first row for a naming scheme) doing this and it is read only using a published sheet.

data should contain the XML sent back but in order to recieve it you must have

headers: {Authorization: "Bearer " + yourAccessTokenVar},

in the headers or I think you can use "?access_token=youraccesstokenhere" as a URL parameter.

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