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Can't Implement Anchor Smooth Scrolling With Off Canvas Menu/content

I’m looking for help on a project I’m working on and I can’t seem to figure it out. I’ve searched and tried various scripts as well as no conflict scripts. I’m hoping som

Solution 1:

quick one for your second problem:

jQuery('.nodes a').click(function () {
   jQuery('.nodes a').find('.inactive-circle').removeClass('active hide');
   jQuery(this).find('.inactive-circle').addClass('active hide');

not quite sure how your divs and css are set up here as it feels like it could be simpler somehow, but the main principle with this is to first make all of your .nodes a divs inactive and then make this one active.

for third problem, this is a bit of a hack but to avoid meddling with your offCanvas script you can trigger a click on the hamburger when a menu div is clicked:

jQuery('#0 a').click(function () {

hope that helps, gotta run but will come back come back and attempt the main one if no one else does.

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