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Can You Call A Javascript Function From Native Code (not In A Callback) Using Phonegap And Ios?

I'm hoping to be able to use PhoneGap for my app. I will have to build a custom protocol/plugin so that I can call Native methods from the Javascript. I know you can call a success

Solution 1:

Found the PhoneGap helper to accomplish this... Write javascript to the webView using:

    [super writeJavascript:@"alert('it works');"];

Solution 2:

You should try this,

[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"sendSelectedDate()"];

Solution 3:

Will this work for you?

Taken from this page:

You can also call JavaScript functions with arguments. Assume that you have written a JavaScript function which looks like this:

function addImage(image, width, height) { ... }

Its purpose is to add an image to a web page. It is called with three arguments: image, the URL of the image; width, the screen width of the image; and height, the screen height of the image. You can call this method one of two ways from Objective-C. The first creates the array of arguments prior to using the WebScriptObject bridge:

id win = [webView windowScriptObject];

NSArray *args = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                 [NSNumber numberWithInt:320],
                 [NSNumber numberWithInt:240],

[win callWebScriptMethod:@"addImage"

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