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Installing/setting Up On My Server

Ok so I have read through the Socket.IO docs and I am still a little unsure of a couple of points: The documentation says... To run the demo, execute the following: git clone git:/

Solution 1:

If you aren't familiar with node.js or with basic command line usage then I would suggest that you use a hosted WebSockets solution like pusherapp. Trying to learn WebSockets, and Node.js, and the Linux command line all at once is going to lead to a lot of frustration. Take a look a pusherapp's quick start guide, it's very easy to get started. You can have 5 simultaneous connections with a single application for free (I'm not affiliated with pusherapp).

Updated (with inline answers to questions):

If you are going to go the direction of running a Socket.IO application:

  • You don't technically need git since you can download node.js and Socket.IO from their respective download links on github.

  • You don't actually need a LAMP server to use Socket.IO. By default Socket.IO functions as a simple webserver in addition to a WebSockets server. If you want server side scripting then you might want Apache with mod_php, mod_python, etc.

  • You don't technically need a dedicated server or even root access. You do need a system where you can have long running process. And if you want the service to start automatically when the system is rebooted, you probably want to add a startup file to /etc/init.d, /etc/rc.d which will require root access. Both node.js and Socket.IO can be installed and run from a normal home directory. If you want to run Socket.IO on a standard port like 80 or 443 then you will need to run it with root privilege.

  • Node.JS scales quite well so Socket.IO will probably scale pretty well too.

  • It's not a simple matter to get everything setup and working, but if your goal is a free solution for web serving+WebSockets then Socket.IO is probably is good route to at least explore if you are brave.

Solution 2:

First you'll have to determine if your host supports SSH. Sometimes they don't by default on shared hosting, but if you ask they can turn it on. If it does you'll use some sort of SSH client to connect to it. Putty for windows is the most common. Then you'll use git, which is a source control program. Which you'll probably have to install on your host, which may or may not be allowed. If you can, this can be accomplished a number of ways, you'll want to read the git documentation, it will depend largely on what linux distribution you're running. CD is change directory, basic command line stuff. sudo on the last line is telling the system to run the command as root, which it will ask you the password for, which you may not have access to on your host. Sounds like you're gonna have an uphill battle on shared hosting. You may want to opt for a VPS instead.

Solution 3:

If your shared host is a LAMP system with no command line access you're not going to get very far with Socket.IO. The instructions you posted assume you have command line access and that you've installed the node.js runtime on your system.

If you really want to try this I recommend you get a VPS of your own (I use to test it out. For what it's worth I found the Socket.IO platform pretty nice to use once I got it up and running.

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