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Local Variable Impact Global Variable - Javascript Variable Scoping

Possible Duplicate: variable hoisting var a = 'global'; //version 1 function changeGlobal(){ alert(a); //why is 'a' undefined here? if(a){

Solution 1:

In javascript, variable declarations are 'hoisted' to the top of the function, independant of where you declared them.

So in the first variation of changeGlobal, when you declared var a = "local", the a variable declaration is hoisted up to the top. The assignment of the variable doesn't get hoisted as well, so at the point when you alert a, its an unassigned variable, hence undefined.

That is,

function changeGlobal(){
    alert(a); //why is 'a' undefined here?if(a){ 
    var a = "local";

is equivalent to

function changeGlobal(){
    var a;    // hoisted here (not assigned a value yet)
    alert(a); //why is 'a' undefined here?if(a){ 
    a = "local"; // only assigned a value here

Solution 2:

In version 1 you declare a local variable named a that takes precedence over the global a within the changeGlobal function. Even though it's defined after the alert(a); call, its definition is 'hoisted' up to the beginning of the scope, but isn't initialized until the var a = "local"; line. That's why the alert(a); shows undefined.

In version 2, because there isn't a local a, you're always dealing with the global a which is already initialized before the function runs.

Solution 3:

JavaScript has lexical scoping, where a variable can be dereferenced from the program/function where it was vared, and down (as in, referencing it will not throw a ReferenceError. The var statements will also be hoisted, and the initial value set to undefined.

Or in layman terms, variables are scoped to the function they are defined in, and all variables are available at any point during the functions execution although a value might not be assigned yet.

Combined, this is what you are observing - a local var shadowing the global var.

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