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Embed Markdown (md) Into Html

I need help embedding a markdown, or *.md, file inside of an HTML index file. I have found that I can embed HTML inside of markdown, but not vice-versa. This would help to increase

Solution 1:

Here's the solution that I have long since forgotten about:

Tagdown Logo

Forgetting that I asked this question and getting no answers, I created my own solution as an extension off of Chris Jeffrey's marked.js.

I call it tagdown.js.

Here it is:

Just in case that link, or my domain, expires:


This allows markdown to be added directly to the site, within a tag set with the class markdown. See the example on the site. There is no theme system in it, it's just the markdown parser.


The project, TagdownJS, has been deleted from Github. The code for it seems so simple that it doesn't deserve its own repository.

Until it finds a new home, just go find Christopher Jeffery's Marked.js, and use this following code with it. = "none"; // Hide the page until it's finished rendering.document.createElement("markdown");
var md_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("markdown"); // Returns array of all markdown tags.for (var i = 0; i < md_tags.length; i++) { // Iterate through all the tags, and generate the HTML.var md_text = md_tags[i].textContent.replace(/^[^\S\n]+/mg, ""); // I love regex, so shoot me.var md_div = document.createElement("div"); // Make a new div to replace the fake tag. = "content";
    md_div.innerHTML = marked(md_text);

    md_tags[i].parentNode.appendChild(md_div); // Add remove the old raw markdown.
} = ""; // Show the rendered page.

Solution 2: An example of zeromd.js Just serve the md.htm file and md files, and visit directly by url:


Live demo:

Solution 3:

Basicly, you need to interpret MD format into HTML. Javascript is an option.

Take below as an example. (Though Windows, independent of OS)

Let's say a folder mytest looks like,

 Volume in drive D is Data
 Volume Serial Number is ABCD-EFGH

 Directory of D:\mytest

12/03/202010:10 AM    <DIR>          .
12/03/202010:10 AM    <DIR>          ..
12/03/202010:09 AM             7,973 example-image.jpg
12/03/202010:12 AM             4,619 md_html.html
12/03/202010:00 AM             2,299 md_html.min.js
               3 File(s)         14,891bytes2 Dir(s)  778,204,147,712bytes free


Here is the html content,

<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8" /><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><metahttp-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"content="ie=edge" /><linkrel="stylesheet"href="" /><linkrel="stylesheet"href="" /><title>Marked In HTML</title></head><body><templatetype="markdown">
    Try Marked In HTML !

And the js,

!function(n){functiont(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports;var i=e[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return n[r].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,t),i.l=!0,i.exports}var e={};t.m=n,t.c=e,t.i=function(n){return n},t.d=function(n,e,r){t.o(n,e)||Object.defineProperty(n,e,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:r})},t.n=function(n){var e=n&&n.__esModule?function(){return n.default}:function(){return n};return t.d(e,"a",e),e},t.o=function(n,t){,t)},t.p="",t(t.s=1)}([function(n,t,e){"use strict";functionr(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}}functioni(n){if(Array.isArray(n)){for(var t=0,e=Array(n.length);t<n.length;t++)e[t]=n[t];return e}returnArray.from(n)}functiona(n,t){if(!(n instanceof t))thrownewTypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.MarkedInHtml=void0;var o=function(){functionn(n,t){for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++){var r=t[e];r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(n,r.key,r)}}returnfunction(t,e,r){return e&&n(t.prototype,e),r&&n(t,r),t}}(),u=e(3),l=r(u),s=e(2),c=r(s);t.MarkedInHtml=function(){functionn(){a(this,n),l.default.setOptions(this.options||{gfm:!0,tables:!0,breaks:!1,pedantic:!1,sanitize:!1,smartLists:!0,smartypants:!1,highlight:function(n,t,e){return c.default.highlightAuto(n).value}})}returno(n,[{key:"init",value:function(){var n=this;document.querySelectorAll('template[type="markdown"]').forEach(function(t){var e=document.createElement("div");e.innerHTML=n.parse(t),,e.classList.add(["markdown-body"].concat(i(Array.from(t.classList)))),e.dataset.markdown=n.intelligentProcessingIndent(t),t.parentElement.replaceChild(e,t)})}},{key:"parse",value:function(n){return(0,l.default)(this.intelligentProcessingIndent(n))}},{key:"intelligentProcessingIndent",value:function(n){var t=n.innerHTML.split("\n");t.length&&/^\s*$/.test(t[0])&&t.shift(),t.length&&/^\s*$/.test(t[t.length-1])&&t.pop();var e=Math.min.apply(Math,i({return n.length?n.match(/^\s*/)[0].length:1/0})));return{return n.substring(e)}).join("\n")}}]),n}()},function(n,t,e){"use strict";var r=e(0);window&&(window.markedInHtml=new r.MarkedInHtml)},function(n,t){n.exports=hljs},function(n,t){n.exports=marked}]);

And the jpg, example-image.jpg

After open the html, you should be able to convert

Try Marked In HTML !



You can try to replace the template, some effect may not be able to present. For example, use quick markdown example by John Gabriele, the equation are not shown well.

Someone, like 🎅 would suggest to use snippet, yet I failed to get that ❄️ work, parsing not successful. 🥺

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