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Highlight A Box In A List According To A Condition In Another Table

I have two tables : Table 1 (overall Score ) Table 2 (weekly score ) I have a leaderboard where I am echoing the overall score value from Table 1 : Problem : What I am trying to

Solution 1:

By joining the two tables in the SQL statement, you could simplify the process. Use the code from dhi_m above, but the data would come from a single SQL query:

IF(`Table2`.`points` = '-10','red-css-class','green-css-class') AS `display_status`
FROM `Table1`
LEFT JOIN `table2`
    ON `table1`.`EmployeeID` = `table2`.`EmployeeID`
WHERE `table1`.`WeekNumber` = 'week1'
ORDER BY `Table1`.`Total_points_Rewarded` DESC

The HTML code for the list would then look something like:

<divid="overalllb"class="leadboardcontent"style="display:none"><divclass="leaderboard"><ol><li><mark><?phpwhile( $toprow2 = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt3) ) {
                        echo"<div class='".$toprow2['display_status']."'><span class='rank'>" . $toprow2['overallRank'] . "</span><span class='name'>" . $toprow2['EmployeeName'] . "</span><span class='points'>" . $toprow2['Total_points_Rewarded'] . "</span></div>";

(Not tested, may contain typos)

Solution 2:

You can check in a simple php if..else for highlighting it..

say you store specific score of user when inside users loop in $usersscore


In html inside class of html element you can echo it like

<liclass="<?phpecho$highlightclass; ?>">

Solution 3:

Please try this

<style>limarkdiv.parent-div-green {
        display: block;
        margin: 4px;
        padding: 5px;
        min-height: 50px;
        border: 2px solid #eebb55;
        border-radius: 7pt;
        background: grey;

    limarkdiv.parent-div-red {
        display: block;
        margin: 4px;
        padding: 5px;
        min-height: 50px;
        border: 2px solid red;
        border-radius: 7pt;
        background: grey;
</style><divid="overalllb"class="leadboardcontent"style="display:none"><divclass="leaderboard"><ol><li><mark><?phpwhile( $toprow2 = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt3) ) {

                        $divClass ="parent-div-green";
                        /****** Here write a query/function or join the two tables to fetch the Table2 $toprow2['EmployeeID']'s' `points` field value to the variable `$points` ********/if($points == -10)  $divClass = "parent-div-red";
                        echo"<div class='".$divClass."'><span class='rank'>" . $toprow2['overallRank'] . "</span><span class='name'>" . $toprow2['EmployeeName'] . "</span><span class='points'>" . $toprow2['Total_points_Rewarded'] . "</span></div>";

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