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Date Parsing With Regular Expressions In Javascript

I'm using match() in JavaScript to parse a dates from an RSS feed, I just can't get my head around the correct regular expression to find the date format. Here's the date: 2009-05-

Solution 1:

Hopefully this helps:

var digitpattern =/\d+/g,
    datetime ='2009-05-11 16:59:20',
    matches= datetime.match(digitpattern);

console.log ('year = '+matches[0]);
console.log ('month = '+matches[1]);
console.log ('day = '+matches[2]);
console.log ('hour = '+matches[3]);
console.log ('minutes = '+matches[4]);
console.log ('seconds = '+matches[5]);

Or, you might like to use something like DateJS.

Solution 2:

I think rather than struggling with regex you should try date.js. It is still in alpha but looks very promising with all its culture specific versions.

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