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How To Detect If A String Is Encoded With Escape() Or Encodeuricomponent()

I have a web service that receives data from various clients. Some of them sends the data encoded using escape(), while the others instead use encodeURIComponent(). Is there a way

Solution 1:

This won't help in the server-side, but in the client-side I have used javascript exceptions to detect if the url encoding has produced ISO Latin or UTF8 encoding.

decodeURIComponent throws an exception on invalid UTF8 sequences.

try {
     result = decodeURIComponent(string);
catch (e) {
     result =  unescape(string);                                       

For example, ISO Latin encoded umlaut 'ä' %E4 will throw an exception in Firefox, but UTF8-encoded 'ä' %C3%A4 will not.

See Also

Solution 2:

I realize this is an old question, but I am unaware of a better solution. So I do it like this (thanks to a comment by RobertPitt above):

function isEncoded(str) {
    returntypeofstr == "string" && decodeURIComponent(str) !== str;

I have not yet encountered a case where this failed. Which doesn't mean that case doesn't exists. Maybe someone could shed some light on this.

Solution 3:

Encourage your clients to use encodeURIComponent(). See this page for an explanation: Comparing escape(), encodeURI(), and encodeURIComponent(). If you really want to try to figure out exactly how something was encoded, you can try to look for some of the characters that escape() and encodeURI() do not encode.

Solution 4:

Thanks for @mika for great answer. Maybe just one improvement since unescape function is considered as deprecated:

declarefunctionunescape(s: string): string;

decodeURItoString(str): string {

 var resp = str;

 try {
    resp = decodeURI(str);
 } catch (e) {
    console.log('ERROR: Can not decodeURI string!');

    if ( (unescape != null) && (unescapeinstanceofFunction) ) {
        resp = unescape(str);

return resp;


Solution 5:

You don't have to differentiate them. escape() is so called percent encoding, it only differs from URI encoding in how certain chars encodes. For example, Space is encoded as %20 with escape but + with URI encoding. Once decoded, you always get the same value.

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