Routing Error With Angular.js And Express
I am trying to do routing with angular.js around /parent root, which works if I'm using anchor links, etc (aka routing handled purely from angular. For instance, a link that has hr
Solution 1:
This is a newly introduced "change of behavior" (or bug).
Try using the base tag :
<base href="/" />
Solution 2:
You're serving your JS/CSS via /parent
as well:
... http://localhost:3000/parent/javascripts/jquery.js
So if you declare your routes before you declare the express.static
middleware, your catch-all route will handle all JS/CSS requests.
You should use a setup similar to this:
// express.static() first...
app.use('/parent', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
// ...followed by your catch-all route (only one needed)
app.get('/parent*', function(req, res) {
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