How To Can I Create An Array Of Knockout.js Observables?
I have an array of objects for which I am showing their properties. How can add an individual edit functionality to them? Lets say it to be an edit button for each one of the eleme
Solution 1:
I like to use an object inside the observableArray
. Here is an example of an inline edit feature for as many many rows as needed.
functionEmployee(emp) {
var self = this;
self.Name = ko.observable(emp.Name);
self.Age = ko.observable(emp.Age);
self.Salary = ko.observable(emp.Salary);
self.EditMode = ko.observable(emp.EditMode);
self.ChangeMode = function() {
functionviewModel() {
var self = this;
self.Employees = ko.observableArray()
Name: "Joe",
Age: 20,
Salary: 100,
EditMode: false
Name: "Steve",
Age: 22,
Salary: 121,
EditMode: false
Name: "Tom",
Age: 24,
Salary: 110,
EditMode: false
varVM = newviewModel();
<scriptsrc=""></script><tableborder=1><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Age</th><th>Salary</th><th></th></tr></thead><tbodydata-bind="foreach: Employees"><trdata-bind="if: !EditMode()"><tddata-bind="text: Name"></td><tddata-bind="text: Age"></td><tddata-bind="text: Salary"></td><td><buttondata-bind="click: ChangeMode">Edit</button></td></tr><trdata-bind="if: EditMode()"><td><inputdata-bind="value: Name"></td><td><inputdata-bind="value: Age"></td><td><inputdata-bind="value: Salary"></td><td><buttondata-bind="click:ChangeMode">Save</button></td></tr></tbody></table>
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