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Passing Chart Type Parameter To Custom Function As Google Chart Function

Currently i am creating chart using google chart. for this i have created one custom function called myJchart as below. function myJChart(ChartPackage,ChartType,ChartData,Chart

Solution 1:

I would suggest using the ChartWrapper Class for this...

mainly because you only want to call google.load once.

ChartWrapper will dynamically load what it needs depending on the chart type.

google.load("visualization", "1.1", {packages:["controls"]});

// test datavar rowData1 = [['Month', 'Bolivia', 'Ecuador', 'Madagascar', 'Papua  Guinea','Rwanda', 'Average'],
                ['2004/05', 165, 938, 522, 998, 450, 114.6],
                ['2005/06', 135, 1120, 599, 1268, 288, 382],
                ['2006/07', 157, 1167, 587, 807, 397, 623],
                ['2007/08', 139, 1110, 615, 968, 215, 409.4],
                ['2008/09', 136, 691, 629, 1026, 366, 569.6]];

functiongoogleLoaded() {
    myJChart('corechart', 'BarChart', rowData1, 'test', 'test again', true, 600, 800, 'chart_div');

functionmyJChart(ChartPackage, ChartType, ChartData, ChartTitel, ChartSubtitle, Chart3D, ChartHeight, ChartWidth, ChartDivID){
    chart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
        chartType: ChartType,
        containerId: ChartDivID,
        dataTable: google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(ChartData),
        options: {
            title: ChartTitel,
            subtitle: ChartSubtitle,
            is3D: Chart3D,
            height: ChartHeight,
            width: ChartWidth


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