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Showing posts from July, 2023

Creating 2 Charts Show 2 Different Data In One Graph ( Mvc)

Hello I know it might sound confusing but I hope I can get help .... Well I'm working on asp.n… Read more Creating 2 Charts Show 2 Different Data In One Graph ( Mvc)

Difference Between New Date(...).gettime() And Date.utc(...)

Can someone explain why this two commands returns different results: > new Date(2019, 0, 1).getT… Read more Difference Between New Date(...).gettime() And Date.utc(...)

Run A Javascript Function Continuously Repeating With A Time Interval

This is my first question, and I would appreciate you answering soon. I would like code to repeat a… Read more Run A Javascript Function Continuously Repeating With A Time Interval

2 Audio Sounds And I Want To Play One Html5 Audio Element At A Time

Question: I have 2 audio sounds and I want to play one HTML5 audio element at a time. Similar Pos… Read more 2 Audio Sounds And I Want To Play One Html5 Audio Element At A Time

How Do I Test `image.onload` Using Jest In The Context Of Redux Actions (or Other Callbacks Assigned In The Action)

My problem was that I am trying to make a unit test for a function but can't figure out how to … Read more How Do I Test `image.onload` Using Jest In The Context Of Redux Actions (or Other Callbacks Assigned In The Action)

Redirect To Other Page Intel Xdk

actually I'm developing on Intel XDK IDE, but I need redirect to other page. Thanks. Code: … Read more Redirect To Other Page Intel Xdk

Jquery Attr('onclick')

I'am trying to change 'onclick' attribute in jQuery but it doesn't change, here is … Read more Jquery Attr('onclick')

Youtube Player Iframe Api: Playvideo Doesn't Work On Firefox 9.0.1

I've got some YouTube embedding code (I will paste only code which is causing the trouble for m… Read more Youtube Player Iframe Api: Playvideo Doesn't Work On Firefox 9.0.1

Jquery - Using Selector :contains - Weird Results

Story so far..... I want to learn JQuery, and im also building an MVC ASP.NET Apps which requires a… Read more Jquery - Using Selector :contains - Weird Results

Validate Dynamically Generated Form With Jquery Validator

Sorry for keep asking this, but I just can't figure it out. I've reduced the question to j… Read more Validate Dynamically Generated Form With Jquery Validator Emit To Specific Client In Tabs

I am using with angular. It works fine but my problem is that it emits to all the tabs op… Read more Emit To Specific Client In Tabs

How Can I Get A File Upload Button's Text?

I'm writing documentation for a web platform and I want to refer to a file upload button in my … Read more How Can I Get A File Upload Button's Text?

Using Tags In A .js File?

Is it possible to embed <% ... %> tags in a javascript file and have it render the appropria… Read more Using Tags In A .js File?

64 Bit Excel Vba To Call A Javascript Function

I need to use a VBA ScriptControl object to call a JavaScript function , but it gave me a 'Clas… Read more 64 Bit Excel Vba To Call A Javascript Function

Putting Text In A Number Input Doesn't Trigger Change Event?

example It appears that entering text into does not trigger a change event. I would like a change … Read more Putting Text In A Number Input Doesn't Trigger Change Event?

Are All Node.js Callback Functions Asynchronous?

I'm working on learning Node.js and all I hear in every tutorial is 'Node is asynchronous a… Read more Are All Node.js Callback Functions Asynchronous?

Dragging Text Prevents Mouseup From Trigging - Javascript - Chrome

I'm experiencing an issue with chromes click behavior. There are cases (havnt been able to isol… Read more Dragging Text Prevents Mouseup From Trigging - Javascript - Chrome

Is It Possible To Have A Prompt Show Up For One Spreadsheet When Activated By Another?

Is it possible to have triggers that work for 2 spreadsheets (2, independent files) with one script… Read more Is It Possible To Have A Prompt Show Up For One Spreadsheet When Activated By Another?

Document.referrer Issue On Ie When The Requests Doesn't Come From A Link

Possible Duplicate: IE has empty document.referrer after a location.replace Hi there, I have got … Read more Document.referrer Issue On Ie When The Requests Doesn't Come From A Link

Sorting Date In Angular Js

I wanted to sort date in angular js i'm using orderBy:predicate :reverse For Example … Read more Sorting Date In Angular Js

Targeting And Identifying Shapes In The Canvas

Let's say I have four different shapes rendered on a canvas from an object. var shapes = [ { … Read more Targeting And Identifying Shapes In The Canvas

Body Onclick Go To Textarea

This may not seem like a useful script, but I need something that will basically allow the user to … Read more Body Onclick Go To Textarea

Typeerror: Undefined Is Not An Object (evaluating 'm.layout.force')

I'm new to JSNetworkX. I created a graph using the examples from but I can only … Read more Typeerror: Undefined Is Not An Object (evaluating 'm.layout.force')

Dropdown Hide Behind Mootools Silder

I have a custom dropdown box in mootools slider as per below image. This slider contains three div,… Read more Dropdown Hide Behind Mootools Silder

Remove All .fixed Classes From Force Layout Nodes With Jquery

I have this structure, made by the d3.js force layout: You can use d3.selectAll('#familytreecon… Read more Remove All .fixed Classes From Force Layout Nodes With Jquery

Mathquill Latex- How Can I Move Cursor (selection) By Code?

I am using mathquill lib (mathquill git) and I am trying to make a keypad and a backspace using htm… Read more Mathquill Latex- How Can I Move Cursor (selection) By Code?

Google Translate Get Current Language

After finding zero of anything to help me online.... I am using the current function for a multi la… Read more Google Translate Get Current Language

How To Pass Argument To Mongo Script

I've been using mongo and script files like this: $ mongo getSimilar.js I would like to pass a… Read more How To Pass Argument To Mongo Script

Input Type Text And Onkeydown Not Working Under Ie

I am writing a WWW application, it has to run under IE. I have the problem with the code that runs … Read more Input Type Text And Onkeydown Not Working Under Ie

Ionic 2 And Json Data Addition

I am working with Ionic 2 Storage to persist form data. I save the data like this:… Read more Ionic 2 And Json Data Addition

Less Rows Rendering In Ie11 - Clusterize.js

I am using Clusterize.js to show 400,000 rows. I tried a small sample which I found here-> https… Read more Less Rows Rendering In Ie11 - Clusterize.js

How To Send Form Data To Csv

I have a specific request from a client that a newsletter signup be sent to a CSV file. I am a noob… Read more How To Send Form Data To Csv

Fill Element With Value In A Json

I have this type of json: { 'datas': [ { 'id': 'fruit_n… Read more Fill Element With Value In A Json

No Provider For Service Error In Angular2, Why Do I Need To Inject It In It's Parent Component?

I have a pages.service.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { ApiService … Read more No Provider For Service Error In Angular2, Why Do I Need To Inject It In It's Parent Component?

Bootstrap Check/uncheck Multiple Elements With Js

I am trying to make this work but can't make it happen. I have a bootstrap template and i want … Read more Bootstrap Check/uncheck Multiple Elements With Js

Turn Object Into Array Of Objects

I'm trying to turn this object into an array of objects, with the object key being placed into … Read more Turn Object Into Array Of Objects

Parsing Xml Data From A Remote Website

I would like to parse the xml data from a remote website… Read more Parsing Xml Data From A Remote Website

Dynamically Add Items To An Mdl Menu

I want to dynamically add menu items to an mdl menu. However, I have not figured out how to registe… Read more Dynamically Add Items To An Mdl Menu By Attribute Value

I am new to d3. I have something defined like this: node = node.enter().append('circle') … Read more By Attribute Value

Tinymce Align Text Buttons Don't Work On Inline Editing

I have the following code : HTML: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do … Read more Tinymce Align Text Buttons Don't Work On Inline Editing

Angularjs Function In Parent Directive Not Getting Called From Transcluded Html

I have created a dropdown list like feature using angualrjs directive, The directive is working som… Read more Angularjs Function In Parent Directive Not Getting Called From Transcluded Html

Not Changing Textbox Value From Ui

taking value in 1st textbox and want to display it in 2nd.. 1st 2nd Solution 1: There is no reas… Read more Not Changing Textbox Value From Ui

Cache Manifest Causes $.getjson To Stop

I am developing a mobile app using HTML5, Javascript, jQuery Mobile, and offline storage. I have a … Read more Cache Manifest Causes $.getjson To Stop

Unable To Disable F5 Key In Ie8

I want to disable F5 key in my web application. I am using the following code: Read more Unable To Disable F5 Key In Ie8

Cloning A Bootstrap Element With An Event Listener

I'm trying to clone a bootstrap element that has data-toggle behavior provided by bootstrap: HT… Read more Cloning A Bootstrap Element With An Event Listener

How To Add A D3js Graph In Slideshow Instead Of Body?

I am very new to d3js, css, html and trying to practice different examples of d3js. I am trying to … Read more How To Add A D3js Graph In Slideshow Instead Of Body?

Req.session Undefined In Express.js

I've seen several posts related to this but none solved my problem. I have this code in server.… Read more Req.session Undefined In Express.js

Blank Option Text Using $(dropdown).append(new Option("joe Blow", 1, True, True) In Ie 9

The following code works correctly in both Chrome and Firefox. In IE 9 the options are appended, b… Read more Blank Option Text Using $(dropdown).append(new Option("joe Blow", 1, True, True) In Ie 9

Formatting Javascript String To Have 03 Not 3?

I have a Javascript that opens today file in html. function openToday() { var today = new Da… Read more Formatting Javascript String To Have 03 Not 3?

Remove Text From Multiple Spans Having Same Id

I have multiple spans data1 data2 data3 data4< Solution 1: IDs are unique, Classes are repeata… Read more Remove Text From Multiple Spans Having Same Id

Enable/disable Radio Button Based On Another

i have radio buttons actualdays_month,only working days. my requirement is if i press one rdb then… Read more Enable/disable Radio Button Based On Another

Why My Code Doesn't Allow Specific Symbols?

I am using this code to allow only digits to type in textbox but now I want to allow . too. I modif… Read more Why My Code Doesn't Allow Specific Symbols?

Withstore: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined (pure-react-carousel)

I use pure-react-carousel library and try to navigate to specific slide by onClick method of my But… Read more Withstore: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined (pure-react-carousel)

Execute A Function Inside Ng-repeat In Angularjs

I would like to execute a function inside a ng-repeat to retrieve some other data to show. For exam… Read more Execute A Function Inside Ng-repeat In Angularjs

Adding Multiple Markers To Google Map

I'm looking to add markers for each business listed to a Google map v3 API on this page in the… Read more Adding Multiple Markers To Google Map

How To Pause An Event In Jquery?

I have a question regarding events. Basically, I want to run a jquery method when the user clicks a… Read more How To Pause An Event In Jquery?

Using Useeffect To Manipulate Dom Events Not Responsive On Different Screens

Currently I'm trying to achieve the following parallax effect in React where my image is in a f… Read more Using Useeffect To Manipulate Dom Events Not Responsive On Different Screens

How To Pass React Props/state Of Parent By Reference, Not Value?

I am using react hooks and attempting to pass the state of a parent to multiple components. The pro… Read more How To Pass React Props/state Of Parent By Reference, Not Value?

Javascript Behavior Changes When Single-stepping

If I single-step the following js code (using Firefox 44 on OS X), I get the desired result: the co… Read more Javascript Behavior Changes When Single-stepping

What's The Best Way To Figure Out Which Javascript Code That Change Specific Html Content In Page

I have tag in my webpage and i am trying to find out which JavaScript function that adding text in… Read more What's The Best Way To Figure Out Which Javascript Code That Change Specific Html Content In Page

Getelementbyid And Null - Why?

Why doesn't this code work? I'am using FF. Read more Getelementbyid And Null - Why?

How To Import Plain Javascript Helper Classes Into React?

I have a React class that I have written in ES6 style such as: export default class App extends Re… Read more How To Import Plain Javascript Helper Classes Into React?

How To Pass Html Tags To A Webmethod?

I'm trying to pass a parameter containing html tags as its value to a webmethod. But it seems n… Read more How To Pass Html Tags To A Webmethod?