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Showing posts from June, 2024

Embed Markdown (md) Into Html

I need help embedding a markdown, or *.md, file inside of an HTML index file. I have found that I c… Read more Embed Markdown (md) Into Html

Accessing Variables In Javascript Closures

var add = (function () { var counter = 0; return function () { var reset = functio… Read more Accessing Variables In Javascript Closures

Cursor Location After Zoom Using Svg-pan-zoom

I am using the ariutta svg-pan-zoom library. I have a SVG file with viewBox='0 0 1052.3622 744.… Read more Cursor Location After Zoom Using Svg-pan-zoom

Make Source Maps Refer To Original Files On Remote Machine

Using Google Closure Compiler to minify a bunch of javascripts. Now I'd like to also add source… Read more Make Source Maps Refer To Original Files On Remote Machine

Regex In Js To Find No 3 Identical Consecutive Characters

How to find a sequence of 3 characters, 'abb' is valid while 'abbb' is not valid, i… Read more Regex In Js To Find No 3 Identical Consecutive Characters

Re-center Bootstrap Modal Vertically After Content Has Loaded

I have successfully centered a bootstrap modal using the solution found here: Demo: http://codepen.… Read more Re-center Bootstrap Modal Vertically After Content Has Loaded

How Exactly Does Done() Work And How Can I Loop Executions Inside Done()?

$.ajax({ url: '/api/1.0/tweets.php?username=' + username }).done(function (data… Read more How Exactly Does Done() Work And How Can I Loop Executions Inside Done()?

Stopping A Click Event On A Div If A Condition Is Met -- Angular 5

I have a loop that generates let's say 20 divs. Each div is an object from my local objects arr… Read more Stopping A Click Event On A Div If A Condition Is Met -- Angular 5

Not Getting Response When Register Is Successful

I have a Web API 2 register method as follows :- [AllowAnonymous] [Route('Register'… Read more Not Getting Response When Register Is Successful

Kineticjs Event Not Fired For Child Of A Grouped Layer

I am trying to add a click event to an image (Kinetic.Image) I am adding to a KineticJS stage. Whe… Read more Kineticjs Event Not Fired For Child Of A Grouped Layer

Is It Possible To Create An Empty Multidimensional Array In Javascript/jquery?

I am trying to create a very basic Flickr gallery using the Flickr API. What I want to achieve is s… Read more Is It Possible To Create An Empty Multidimensional Array In Javascript/jquery?

Angular Page Doesn't Refresh After Data Is Added Or Removed

I'm having a recurrent problem with my angular app whereby it doesn't refresh the page afte… Read more Angular Page Doesn't Refresh After Data Is Added Or Removed

Gwt And Jsni Add Javascript Button Into Html Panel

I create a simple Javascript file containing a simple button. function testfuncion() { document… Read more Gwt And Jsni Add Javascript Button Into Html Panel

Getting Invalid_character_err: Dom Exception 5

I'm writing a simple to-do list. that a user input a text and the it's added as a checkbox.… Read more Getting Invalid_character_err: Dom Exception 5

How To Remove Iframe From Parent Page Using A Function Inside The Iframe?

I have an iframe I put on a page using a bookmarklet, I want this iframe to close itself when I nav… Read more How To Remove Iframe From Parent Page Using A Function Inside The Iframe?

Referencing Javascript From Trac Wiki

I have a problem running javascripts from trac. I know there are security issues around this, but … Read more Referencing Javascript From Trac Wiki

How To Concatenate (variable + Object Key Names) To Get The Object Values In Dot Notation

Assuming I've a JSON object like this: var myObj = { 'question1': { 'op… Read more How To Concatenate (variable + Object Key Names) To Get The Object Values In Dot Notation

Convert Div To Single Image With Canvas-javascript Css

I try to convert content div below to a single image downloadable How is the piece with the canvas … Read more Convert Div To Single Image With Canvas-javascript Css

Differences Between For And Foreach In Javascript 5

I learned that a for iterates on each the array's element, even if a pointed case doesn't e… Read more Differences Between For And Foreach In Javascript 5

Shim For Filereader() In Ie 9

Is there a shim for FileReader in IE 9? var reader = new FileReader(); Solution 1: This polyfill … Read more Shim For Filereader() In Ie 9

D3 Tree Tooltip Does Not Appear

I have been trying to add a tooltip to the nodes of my d3 tree. I have looked at this example and … Read more D3 Tree Tooltip Does Not Appear

Calculate Fraction As Value Relative To Other Fractions

Apologies that I can't show code I'm just not sure how to go about this. I would like to ac… Read more Calculate Fraction As Value Relative To Other Fractions

How To Return Value From Jquery Function?

I am trying to return value from jQuery function. Here is my function: $('#output').keypre… Read more How To Return Value From Jquery Function?

Kendo Ui: Not Able To Add Footertemplate To Grid

I am trying to display the count of the field in the footerTemplate. Follow is the fiddle: http://… Read more Kendo Ui: Not Able To Add Footertemplate To Grid

Open Jquery Modal Dialog On Page Load

I have a page, i want it to display some content in a modal dialog (jquery UI dialog) as soon as th… Read more Open Jquery Modal Dialog On Page Load

Define Google Maps Before Using Its Methods

I am following the google maps api documentation:… Read more Define Google Maps Before Using Its Methods

Google Chart Multiple Series With Same Scale

I'm looking for a way to have multiple series on my graphics, with the same scales but displaye… Read more Google Chart Multiple Series With Same Scale

Pseudo After Element Css Properties Are Not Working In Jquery

I'm working on the pseudo class element here on hover I want to change ::after background color… Read more Pseudo After Element Css Properties Are Not Working In Jquery

How To Split Node.js Files In Several Files

I have this code: var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var path = … Read more How To Split Node.js Files In Several Files

Manually Typing Vs Setting Value In Js

I'm trying to create a bot for that spams the game/lobby with bot players and I'm… Read more Manually Typing Vs Setting Value In Js

Having Trouble Converting String (parsed From Json) Into Javascript Date Object

I am trying to create javasscript date object in the following way var object = {'name':… Read more Having Trouble Converting String (parsed From Json) Into Javascript Date Object

Mixing Razor And Java Script Code For @html.partial()

Can anyone provide me solution for how to dynamically add some code into the page in MVC. I was doi… Read more Mixing Razor And Java Script Code For @html.partial()

Uncaught Typeerror: Links Is Not A Function At Htmlbuttonelement.onclick

This is a very strange error. HTML thinks the function is undefined, how do I solve this? Here'… Read more Uncaught Typeerror: Links Is Not A Function At Htmlbuttonelement.onclick

Jquery Ajax Request To An Static Html Resource In Nginx Causes A "405 Not Allowed"

I have an Nginx with a simple index.thml running within a Docker. Everything works fine if I call i… Read more Jquery Ajax Request To An Static Html Resource In Nginx Causes A "405 Not Allowed"

Formatting Number As Thousand Using Only Javascript

Console.log is showing the correct result, but how can I add the same formatting to the input type … Read more Formatting Number As Thousand Using Only Javascript

Change Background On Li Element On Click

The thing I want to do is when a user clicks on a link, the background should change to Indicate wh… Read more Change Background On Li Element On Click

Rails File_field Size Restrictions

I currently have the below for uploading images, but I also want to add a restriction that prevents… Read more Rails File_field Size Restrictions

Reducers Get Function Not Object In Redux, What's Wrong With It?

I got a error at my react and redux project. and I not found how to resolve it. this is error mess… Read more Reducers Get Function Not Object In Redux, What's Wrong With It?

How To Download Multiple Files From Javascript

I am trying to use window.location.href in a loop to download multiple files I have a table in whic… Read more How To Download Multiple Files From Javascript

Javascript World Clock Only Shows In Table

I am trying to display times from a few different cities around the world, and I have searched and … Read more Javascript World Clock Only Shows In Table

Is There Anyway To Copy/upload/edit A File With Javascript?

I have two servers, Server1 & Server2. I want to copy a file from Server1 to Server2 with JavaS… Read more Is There Anyway To Copy/upload/edit A File With Javascript?

Highlight A Box In A List According To A Condition In Another Table

I have two tables : Table 1 (overall Score ) Table 2 (weekly score ) I have a leaderboard where I… Read more Highlight A Box In A List According To A Condition In Another Table

How To Find The Corresponding Th To A Given Td?

Basically the same question as How can I get the corresponding table header (th) from a table cell … Read more How To Find The Corresponding Th To A Given Td?

Backbone View Access Methods Variables

May be a simple questions... How do I access variables in backbone.js view? initialize: function() … Read more Backbone View Access Methods Variables

Why Isn't Javascript Changing A Variable With Onchange?

So this is my code, I am wondering why changeUp isn't sending an alert to me or setting the var… Read more Why Isn't Javascript Changing A Variable With Onchange?

Ajax Multiple Drop Downs

I'm looking off of this site to make a multiple drop down: Roshan's Blog And most of it is … Read more Ajax Multiple Drop Downs

Get Current Url Of The Popup Window With Javascript

I had a webpage with a link, which opens a new page in a popup window. Everything is fine till here… Read more Get Current Url Of The Popup Window With Javascript

React Native: You Attempted To Set The Key On An Object That Is Meant To Be Immutable And Has Been Frozen

I am new to react native and was creating my first. In my add I decided to change the backgroundCo… Read more React Native: You Attempted To Set The Key On An Object That Is Meant To Be Immutable And Has Been Frozen

Es 6 Dynamically Work On Class After Definition

I was previously rolling my own Javascript OOP but now I'm playing with ES6 and want to use the… Read more Es 6 Dynamically Work On Class After Definition

Access Browser Certificate Store Using Javascript

how can i access browser certificate store, using javascript ,to know if a CA's Root certificat… Read more Access Browser Certificate Store Using Javascript

Paginate Table Rows With Jquery

We are working with Customer Portal in Dynamics 365. I have to use a pagination plugin with existan… Read more Paginate Table Rows With Jquery

Access The Value Of Symbol(id) Property On An Object

I have an object fetched from 3rd party API as shown below: { name:'Luke Skywalker', … Read more Access The Value Of Symbol(id) Property On An Object

Jquery Ui Slider -> With Mousewheel Support?

as you may already know I'm new to jQuery, so Code-Improvements not belonging to this theme are… Read more Jquery Ui Slider -> With Mousewheel Support?

Jquery Reel Plugin: Showing Or Hiding The Reel Image Dynamically

Excuse my English. I tried to use the jQuery Reel Plugin and it works perfectly on my html file. … Read more Jquery Reel Plugin: Showing Or Hiding The Reel Image Dynamically

How To Show Filtered Data In Javascript Callback Function React-calendar-month-view?

I'm using this calendar to render my admi… Read more How To Show Filtered Data In Javascript Callback Function React-calendar-month-view?

Css Animation Not Working In Chrome

Some insight into the project: A full interactive website, where animations will play.. then they&#… Read more Css Animation Not Working In Chrome

Webrtc - Differentiate Between Temporary Disconnect Or Failure And Permanant

UPDATE It seems I can do myPeerConnection.getStats() as described here I can measure the bytes sent… Read more Webrtc - Differentiate Between Temporary Disconnect Or Failure And Permanant

Help With Manipulating Child/parent Elements With Jquery

Currently I have this JQuery script var img = $(this); img.wrap(' '); img.parent().append(&… Read more Help With Manipulating Child/parent Elements With Jquery

How To Use Api?

I was looking for an youtube to mp3 api and found this code: var __AM=65521; // the largest prime l… Read more How To Use Api?