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Showing posts from July, 2024

String Manipulation - Removing An Element From A List

I have a comma separated list of values, and I need to remove the one that is equal to a certain va… Read more String Manipulation - Removing An Element From A List

What Does _(variable_name) Mean In Javascript?

I came across the following javascript code: this.removeEdge = function(source, target) { if(!_st… Read more What Does _(variable_name) Mean In Javascript?

Sorting Utc Dates In Javascript

EDIT 4/16/2012: I solved the issue of getting the timezone abbreviated into a letter format, had to… Read more Sorting Utc Dates In Javascript

Angular Shared Model With Multiple Controllers

I am new to Angular and trying to clear my concepts: My app requires a single model which will be u… Read more Angular Shared Model With Multiple Controllers

How Do They Hide Url When Mouseover?

Everybody knows that the good old school windows.status is not working anymore when mouseover a lin… Read more How Do They Hide Url When Mouseover?

Automatically Change A Value In A Form Field

I have a webpage where people enter information (name, job title, address, etc.) and it auto create… Read more Automatically Change A Value In A Form Field

Character Stops After Second Key Pressed Is Lifted

I'm taking input from the arrow keys and moving a character accordingly on a 2D canvas game in … Read more Character Stops After Second Key Pressed Is Lifted

How To Get Sum Of An Array Object Keys In Underscore.js?

I have the following array: var items = [ {price1: 100, price2: 200, price3: 150}, {price1: 1… Read more How To Get Sum Of An Array Object Keys In Underscore.js?

On Authentication Triggers I Am Getting Displayname As Null

I want to use users data on authentication trigger. But when I am using them it gives me null. What… Read more On Authentication Triggers I Am Getting Displayname As Null

Angular.js Data-bind Background Images Using Media Queries

I have an Angular.js application with dynamically background images (should have data-binding for t… Read more Angular.js Data-bind Background Images Using Media Queries

Javascript: Remove White Space Of Output Array In Browser Console

Is there any method to remove unnecessary spaces of output array. When I run the code there is spac… Read more Javascript: Remove White Space Of Output Array In Browser Console

Javascript Date.tojson Don't Get The Timezone Offset

Well the problem is that I was using code like this: new Date().toJSON().slice(0, 10) to get my da… Read more Javascript Date.tojson Don't Get The Timezone Offset

Using A Javascript Variable To Set Php Variable

Possible Duplicate: Get variable from PHP to JavaScript Access a JavaScript variable from PHP I c… Read more Using A Javascript Variable To Set Php Variable

Stop Redirection Onsubmit() & Display Error Message Instead

I have a login screen. If the username & password are correct, a token is stored in local stora… Read more Stop Redirection Onsubmit() & Display Error Message Instead

Javascript Show/hide Will Not Hide Properly In Safari

It seems to be a problem with show/hide in Safari. The site looks good freshly loaded. But if you c… Read more Javascript Show/hide Will Not Hide Properly In Safari

Will Google Appengine Support Javascript?

Does anyone know or have an opinion on whether AppEngine will add javascript as a supported languag… Read more Will Google Appengine Support Javascript?

Force Clients To Reload My Bundle.js

I'm using React and Webpack to create a completely front-end application. I just made some chan… Read more Force Clients To Reload My Bundle.js

How Do I View File:// Images From Http://localhost Served Pages In Firefox 11?

I've got a server running on my localhost machine (port 8080) that is trying to create IMG tags… Read more How Do I View File:// Images From Http://localhost Served Pages In Firefox 11?

Ios Vs Android: Different Dates Displayed For The Same Program

I have a javascript code: newDate: function(days) { var newDate = new Date( parseInt(startDate)… Read more Ios Vs Android: Different Dates Displayed For The Same Program

Date Parsing With Regular Expressions In Javascript

I'm using match() in JavaScript to parse a dates from an RSS feed, I just can't get my head… Read more Date Parsing With Regular Expressions In Javascript

Window.getselection Get The Right Selection In Textarea

in firefox and chrome window.getSelection is used to get the current selection in document,but is t… Read more Window.getselection Get The Right Selection In Textarea

Xmlhttprequest In Javascript Class

I have defined a class and I am trying to fetch a HTML file using XMLHttpRequest and assign the res… Read more Xmlhttprequest In Javascript Class

Sorting Backbone Collections

The desired functionality I'm using a Backbone.Collection to view data in a sortable list. I… Read more Sorting Backbone Collections

Disable Right Click And Copy Paste Etc .. From My Web Page

First of all thanks in advance.. I want to disable view page source, copy and paste image etc .. i… Read more Disable Right Click And Copy Paste Etc .. From My Web Page

Hidden Window Using Javascript

Just wanted to know if it is possible to create a hidden window using javascript? Solution 1: You … Read more Hidden Window Using Javascript

How To Disable Amd On 4 Files And Load Them In Order With Webpack

I need to disable AMD on 4 files and load video.js first before loading the other 3 files, because … Read more How To Disable Amd On 4 Files And Load Them In Order With Webpack

Removing A Class From Value In An Tag

I have an tag with some HTML as the value. I want to remove any s that have the class of 'emp… Read more Removing A Class From Value In An Tag

Angular – Simple Typewriter Effect?

There is a beautiful typewriter directive already written, but I'm looking for something more s… Read more Angular – Simple Typewriter Effect?

How To Get Date To Auto Refresh?

I am trying to get a date to refresh on a page so I don't have to go and manually refresh it ev… Read more How To Get Date To Auto Refresh?

Why Does Javascript "this" Returns Different Values In Node And Browser Environments?

After watching Kyle Simpson's Advanced JavaScript course on Pluralsight, I created a simple cod… Read more Why Does Javascript "this" Returns Different Values In Node And Browser Environments?

Call Custom Function On Dynamically Created Elements With Jquery

I have an external function which has to be called for all elements with a certain class, like this… Read more Call Custom Function On Dynamically Created Elements With Jquery

When Do I Need Quotes For Document.getelementbyid?

I have a simple script which converts a text input of inches into another text input of centimeters… Read more When Do I Need Quotes For Document.getelementbyid?

How To Display An Array Of Objects In A Table In React

I have recently been learning react. I set my state to an array of objects. I want to display that … Read more How To Display An Array Of Objects In A Table In React

Pass A Php Variable To Angularjs Variable

Using AngularJS data binding, I'd like to return num1 * num2 as user type num2; num1 is a PHP v… Read more Pass A Php Variable To Angularjs Variable

Accessing In Dom

For html, I have a bunch of tags which look as follows, which I am using to generate checklists. (… Read more Accessing In Dom

How To Check If A Url Is A File Or Folder In Javascript?

In javascript/jquery, given a string of a url, how can I check if it is a url to a file or a direct… Read more How To Check If A Url Is A File Or Folder In Javascript?

How To Fix My Jquery Bug?

The script is on jsfiddle here : CODE What it does at the moment: it's a form that have two typ… Read more How To Fix My Jquery Bug?

Fetch Api Using Async/await Return Value Unexpected

Here's the function: const getUserIP = async () => { let response = await fetch('https… Read more Fetch Api Using Async/await Return Value Unexpected

React Apexchart Is Not Taking Its Parent Height When Setting Height 100%

I am working on react-apexcharts and trying to set height 100 percent of the chart but it is not ac… Read more React Apexchart Is Not Taking Its Parent Height When Setting Height 100%

How To Get Value Of Img Tag?

How can i get value of img tag??? in img tag we have one property named 'Value' so i want t… Read more How To Get Value Of Img Tag?

How Can I Convert Come String Timespan Variable From Wcf To Hours And Minutes?

I have variable that is come from wcf with http call to javascript is like 'P18DT5H' C#: p… Read more How Can I Convert Come String Timespan Variable From Wcf To Hours And Minutes?

How To Highlight Text Based On User Input With React?

Let's take the simple case of a barebones editable with contenteditable='true': Edi… Read more How To Highlight Text Based On User Input With React?

How Can I Change The Styles Of Content If Contentedittable = False?

Hey I have created a plugin that opens a new dialog (an extra HTML-page). With this dialog the user… Read more How Can I Change The Styles Of Content If Contentedittable = False?

Can Javascript Be Cached If It Is In The Body Tag Of An Html Page?

I am reading this How to make HTML rendering fast it says that scripts in the HEAD tag can be cache… Read more Can Javascript Be Cached If It Is In The Body Tag Of An Html Page?

Adding A New Element Into The Dom With Angularjs Does Not Initiate It

Explaining further, I am using angular-summernote and I am using a directive to insert new WYSIWYG… Read more Adding A New Element Into The Dom With Angularjs Does Not Initiate It

Clock In Different Time Zones

I am trying to create two clocks on a website that says two times on it. One from London and the ot… Read more Clock In Different Time Zones

Curried Function Where Es7 Property Initializers Aren't Enabled

I have the following arrow function in a so called curried format, taken from this SO answer: const… Read more Curried Function Where Es7 Property Initializers Aren't Enabled

Php And Ajax File Upload - Can't Get The Tmp_name With $_files

I'm trying to upload a file using Ajax, but I'm having troubles handling the file... For te… Read more Php And Ajax File Upload - Can't Get The Tmp_name With $_files

Set My Var To An Anonymous Function With A Parameter?

I'm building my first OO JS library and im having a little trouble with one piece that's pr… Read more Set My Var To An Anonymous Function With A Parameter?

Send Error Message And Re-direct In Express.js

Learning Express.js. I have the following simple HTML form: </div><h2 id="solution_1&… Read more Send Error Message And Re-direct In Express.js

Regex For A Particular Date Format

I want to have a regex for a date format, Example: 01-Jan-2011 I have written ^[0-9]{1,2}-[a-zA-Z]{… Read more Regex For A Particular Date Format

How To Access Geo Ip Look Up With Javascript

I'd like ot know how I can consume the output of this service with JavaScript. It's not val… Read more How To Access Geo Ip Look Up With Javascript

How To Find List Of Latitude And Longitude Using Pincode As Input

is there any way we can we find list of latitude and longitude using zip/pincode? Input: 560103 Out… Read more How To Find List Of Latitude And Longitude Using Pincode As Input

'this' Returning Either 'object' Or 'window' Inside The Same Object

Now that's a new one for me. I searched around but can't find the solution elsewhere. I'… Read more 'this' Returning Either 'object' Or 'window' Inside The Same Object

What Is The Usage Of Adding An Empty String In A Javascript Statement

I see an empty string ('' or '') used in many JavaScript statements but not sure wh… Read more What Is The Usage Of Adding An Empty String In A Javascript Statement

Rxjs - Consume Api Output And Re-query When Cache Is Empty

I'm trying to implement a version of this intro to RxJS (fiddle here) that instead of picking a… Read more Rxjs - Consume Api Output And Re-query When Cache Is Empty

How To Highlight Specific Dates In The Datepicker

How to Highlight in BOLD specific dates in the datepicker? I have the array with dates var datesArr… Read more How To Highlight Specific Dates In The Datepicker

Ajax Request Failed With Unknown Reason (jquery)

I have a service which returns JSON data: I'… Read more Ajax Request Failed With Unknown Reason (jquery)

Javascript How To Execute Code After For Loop Completes

I'm trying to work through this js/async scenario and i'm trying to know how the rest of th… Read more Javascript How To Execute Code After For Loop Completes

Php Code To Convert Php To Js

I need some PHP code to convert some PHP into JS. functionality - I'm using common PHP functio… Read more Php Code To Convert Php To Js

I'm Trying To Get Data From Meta Weather Api, But Its Not Letting Me

I'm trying to get data from meta weather API. due to CORS issues, I am using this proxy thing c… Read more I'm Trying To Get Data From Meta Weather Api, But Its Not Letting Me

Jquery Removeattr('type') Doesn't Work

My problem is very simple $('#button').removeAttr('type'); triggers an error on fi… Read more Jquery Removeattr('type') Doesn't Work

Store Xmlhttprequest.responsetext As Variable :(

Read more Store Xmlhttprequest.responsetext As Variable :(

Jquery Calculations As Per Selected Dropdown Value Loop

Iam trying to do a calculation. When a user selects a dropdown currency. The system calculates and … Read more Jquery Calculations As Per Selected Dropdown Value Loop

Google Docs - Programmatically Send Mouse Click To An Item In Outline Pane

In Google Docs you can open outline pane and see all headers in the document, you can also click on… Read more Google Docs - Programmatically Send Mouse Click To An Item In Outline Pane

Transclude Function Needs To Modify Clone Properly

I have a simple directive which repeats a section of transcluded content twice. Like this. link: fu… Read more Transclude Function Needs To Modify Clone Properly

Simple Express.js Application Running With Error

i try to create simple express apllication serv.js: var express = require('express'), … Read more Simple Express.js Application Running With Error

Why *ngif In Angular 2 Always Is Executing When Use Function?

I'm trying to create a application with angular 2,and have a auth service in my application , m… Read more Why *ngif In Angular 2 Always Is Executing When Use Function?

Jquery Validate 1.8.1 "jquery" Is Undefined Error Ie8

First off - yes - jQuery is being loaded before the validate plugin or any other js files. Getting … Read more Jquery Validate 1.8.1 "jquery" Is Undefined Error Ie8